Afghanistan - 20 Years On: What Does it Mean?

Photo shows Mr Felix Eldridge (front), Professor Dale Stephens, Associate Professor Tim LeGrand (behind) and a selection of students who participated in the event.
On the evening of 13 Sept, Professor Dale Stephens of the Law School and A/Prof Tim Legrand of the Politics School participated in a panel event sponsored by the Adelaide Student 'Politics and international Relations Association (PIRA)' (hosted by PIRA President Felix Eldridge).
They discussed the significance of the current takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban and the significance of the US, Australian and NATO contribution to Afghanistan over the past 20 years.
Issues concerning the nature of The Australian Defence Force (ADF) commitment and the legal issues associated with the deployment of the ADF, the strategic goals and achievements of coalition operations over the past two decades, the structure of the current interim Taliban Government, the likely avenues of engagement by the West with the interim Govt, the nature of protecting women's legal rights and Australian responsibilities for refugees were among many issues canvassed during the session.
Many students from the Law school attended the evening and in conjunction with many students from the politics school generated many inter-disciplinary questions relating to the Australian experience in Afghanistan as well as what the future may hold and how the West should deal with the current political and legal realities in Afghanistan.
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