Environment, Climate and Natural Resources

Environment, Climate and Natural Resources

We provide independent perspectives on law and policy relating to the environment, climate and natural resources. Our scholars are committed to fostering better outcomes for people and environments through the development of innovative scholarship; cutting-edge analysis of law and policy; and formulating and promoting law reform initiatives.

Our experts address global environmental and sustainability challenges, including the impacts of environmental change and key global challenges such as biodiversity conservation and climate change. We provide a South Australian perspective on matters related to national environmental, energy and natural resources law and policy; contribute to government and parliamentary inquiries; and collaborate with national and international experts and scholars on matters of law and policy related to international law, climate change, energy, the development and use of natural resources, and the global environment.

Our areas of expertise are:

  • biodiversity conservation and restoration;
  • climate adaptation and disasters;
  • climate change law;
  • mining, petroleum and renewable energy law;
  • property rights and water law;
  • planning and heritage law;
  • environment and philosophy;
  • wildlife crime;
  • marine and ocean governance; and
  • climate change and corporate governance.

This research area is undertaken by the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Research Unit (ENREL).

Our projects

Our researchers are making a difference in the real world of law by taking cutting-edge science and assessing legal frameworks for their capacity to improve environmental outcomes. We work with government, communities and industry to create better laws and policies.

Further information

Dr Alex Wawryk
Director, ENREL