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SALRI Regional and Aboriginal Engagement

The independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) visited Clare, Port Pirie and Port Augusta 20-21 April 2023 as part of its ongoing engagement with regional and Aboriginal communities. This visit included seeking input on SALRI’s current reference into the role and operation of suppression orders and updating interested parties on SALRI’s recent major report into the operation of the Mental Health Act.
The major SALRI report

The major SALRI report into the operation of the Mental Health Act (SA) will be publicly released after its presentation to the Minister for Health, the Hon Chris Picton.
2023 ABLE HDR Conference - HDR Students

The Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics organised the 2023 ABLE HDR Conference on 12 April in Adelaide National Wine Centre!
Study law
Explore the Adelaide Law School experience and your study options for a career in law.