Water Rights Survey
This survey is designed to explore your views about water trading and ownership of water rights in the Murray Darling Basin.
The survey will not collect any information which can identify you personally and you will not require any additional information other than your own views to complete the survey.
The survey should take you about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
It is hoped that this research will provide insights that will enable policymakers to develop water trading policies that better reflect the views and beliefs of all Murray Darling Basin stakeholders leading to better policy and better outcomes for the Basin as a whole.
As part of the University of Adelaide’s general requirements for consent for survey participants, we request your consent to make use of your survey results in this research project and for additional related research undertaken by the researchers currently undertaking this project in this area (described as ‘extended consent’). Individual records of survey responses will not be shared with any third parties.
View the Participation Information Sheet Take the survey