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SALRI Powers of Attorney Report released

The independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) based at the University of Adelaide is recommending changes to South Australian law and practice to clamp down on abuse of Powers of Attorney.
Bridging the gap between theory and practice with law student Mario Pegoli

The opportunity to earn money whilst he studied was a major drawcard for Master of Laws student Mario Pegoli. Undertaking the Access to Justice Specialisation, Mario gained paid, practical legal experience with one of Adelaide’s leading law firms, whilst giving back to the community as part of The Accessible Justice Project.
[Read more about Bridging the gap between theory and practice with law student Mario Pegoli]
‘It is a Historic Day’: Provocation and ‘Gay Panic’ Defence Consigned to History in South Australia

The independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) based at the Adelaide Law School welcomes the recent passage of the landmark Statutes Amendment (Abolition of Provocation and Related Matters) Act 2020.
ARC success on solar radiation management project

Congratulations to Dr Kerryn Brent, Lecturer within the Adelaide Law School on her successful solar radiation management project through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Grants round.
[Read more about ARC success on solar radiation management project]
Adelaide Law School Dean, Professor Melissa de Zwart, elected Chair of CALD

Congratulations to Adelaide Law School Dean, Professor Melissa de Zwart, for her election as Chair of the Council of Australian Law Deans (CALD).
[Read more about Adelaide Law School Dean, Professor Melissa de Zwart, elected Chair of CALD]
Community views sought on abuse of Powers of Attorney

The independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) based at the University of Adelaide is inviting views from the community and interested parties as part of its review of the State’s laws on Powers of Attorney.
[Read more about Community views sought on abuse of Powers of Attorney]
Videos released to assist SALRI consultation on Powers of Attorney

The South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI), based at the Adelaide Law School, is currently investigating whether the current laws that apply to Enduring Powers of Attorney (POAs) are effective and are working to protect vulnerable South Australians.
[Read more about Videos released to assist SALRI consultation on Powers of Attorney]
Powers of Attorney: Charter for Abuse or Necessary Aspect of Daily Life?
The independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) based at the Adelaide University Law School is presently examining the law regarding Powers of Attorney and is keen to hear from the community as well as legal, medical and allied health practitioners and any other interested parties.
[Read more about Powers of Attorney: Charter for Abuse or Necessary Aspect of Daily Life?]
Tips for acing your scholarship application

Writing a scholarship application can be a daunting task, with a lot riding on the contents of a single essay. But it doesn’t have to be difficult and by following a few basics tips, you can put your best foot forward and set yourself up for success.
[Read more about Tips for acing your scholarship application]
Abuse of Powers of Attorney under the spotlight
In the face of increasing concerns about the abuse of Powers of Attorney, legal experts are asking for submissions as part of their review of existing South Australian law.
[Read more about Abuse of Powers of Attorney under the spotlight]
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