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Stephanie Hoang steps her best foot forward in the corporate space

As part of her work, Stephanie Hoang deals with complex legislation and client-relationship management using skills she gained from completing a double degree in Law and Commerce.
[Read more about Stephanie Hoang steps her best foot forward in the corporate space]
SALRI visits Port Pirie and Port Augusta

On 15-16 July 2021, Dr David Plater, Dr Mark ‘Matt’ Giancaspro, Nadia Hess, Brooke Washusen, Holly Nicholls and Anita Brunacci took part in a law student engagement and SALRI trip to Port Pirie and Port Augusta.
Adelaide Law School Participation in the Oxford University Forum For International Humanitarian Law Compliance

Prof Dale Stephens represents the University of Adelaide in an academic collaboration with the University of Oxford (Dr Elizabeth Stubbins Bates) and the University of Indianna (Dr Andrew Bell) in the 'Oxford Forum For International Humanitarian Law Compliance'.
Rachel Chalmers: Lawyers Weekly Law Student of the Year finalist

Adelaide Law student, Rachel Chalmers, is named a finalist in the Lawyers Weekly Australian Law Awards.
[Read more about Rachel Chalmers: Lawyers Weekly Law Student of the Year finalist]
Delivering Accessible Justice Through Innovation
Lipman Karas and the University of Adelaide see the project as being an incubator for ideas to address factors Delivering Accessible Justice Through Innovation.
[Read more about Delivering Accessible Justice Through Innovation]
Proposals marks end of first intake of Accessible Justice collaboration

Four students finishing off their Masters program at the Accessible Justice Project, a partnership between commercial law firm Lipman Karas and Adelaide Law School, present their ideas for future justice access initiatives.
[Read more about Proposals marks end of first intake of Accessible Justice collaboration]
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