Higher Degrees by Research
Are you interested in shaping the way we approach some of the pressing issues facing the world of tomorrow?
Think of any issue facing humanity today; the law either has or will have an impact on it. From the environment to the use of artificial intelligence, driverless cars, missions to space, the human genome and marriage equality, so much of the world we live in has a legal dimension.
The Adelaide Law School offers research degrees at both the masters and doctorate levels: the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and the Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD).
Through undertaking a Higher Degree by Research in Law you will have a valuable opportunity to work alongside leading experts and develop new approaches to cutting-edge legal problems. The Adelaide Law School is highly regarded in the quality of its research output, providing you with a pathway to become a highly credentialed expert in a specific field of law, and opening doors to a range of career options across the private sector, government, or academia.
Our programs are benchmarked with other Go8 universities, and our international collaborations in research introduce broader issues (UNESCO and OECD reports, TIMSS and PISA studies) into our theory and practice of education.
Damian Etone, PhD Law graduate
"As an International student, what really stood out for me was the well-structured nature of the PhD programme and the various support programs available to researchers. I found Adelaide University to be a place where international students can thrive and produce quality research output."
Damian Etone, PhD Law graduate - focused on examining state engagement with the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review Mechanism, from an African regional perspective.
What is a Postgraduate Coordinator?
In this short video, Dr Colette Langos (Postgraduate Coordinator) outlines the role and responsibilities of a Postgraduate Coordinator (PGC) during a higher degree by research (HDR) candidature.
Current active PGCs in the Adelaide Law School:
- Dr Colette Langos, colette.langos@adelaide.edu.au
- Dr Joshua Curtis, joshua.curtis@adelaide.edu.au