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Inaugural Lorne Neudorf Cup

Ilya and Bruce holding trophy

Recently, a social evening of salutation, sport and snacks was held on Level 5 of the Ligertwood building. It was also the inaugural run of the Lorne Neudorf Cup – an (elite) round robin air hockey tournament!

[Read more about Inaugural Lorne Neudorf Cup]

Review of the migration system. Final Report 2023

Final report

On 2 September 2022, the Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon Clare O'Neil MP announced three eminent persons would lead a comprehensive review of Australia's migration system to ensure it better meets existing challenges and sets a clear direction for the coming decades. Professor Joanna Howe was appointed as one of the three reviewers.


[Read more about Review of the migration system. Final Report 2023]

SALRI Regional and Aboriginal Engagement


The independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) visited Clare, Port Pirie and Port Augusta 20-21 April 2023 as part of its ongoing engagement with regional and Aboriginal communities. This visit included seeking input on SALRI’s current reference into the role and operation of suppression orders and updating interested parties on SALRI’s recent major report into the operation of the Mental Health Act.   

[Read more about SALRI Regional and Aboriginal Engagement ]

The major SALRI report

SALRI researches

The major SALRI report into the operation of the Mental Health Act (SA) will be publicly released  after its presentation to the Minister for Health, the Hon Chris Picton.

[Read more about The major SALRI report ]

2023 ABLE HDR Conference - HDR Students

Law school

The Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics organised the 2023 ABLE HDR Conference on 12 April in Adelaide National Wine Centre!

[Read more about 2023 ABLE HDR Conference - HDR Students]

Suppression order review to look beyond the numbers


Suppression orders are the focus of the latest review by legal experts from the independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) which is based at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Suppression order review to look beyond the numbers]

Red Cross International IHL Moot in Hong Kong

IHL Moot in Hong Kong

Two of our law students have been doing mooting 'battle' on the world stage in Hong Kong representing Australia in the Red Cross International IHL Moot competition. Annalise Delic and Maddie McNeil have won the Grand Final!

[Read more about Red Cross International IHL Moot in Hong Kong]

Prof Stephens participates in Indo-Pacific Centre for Military Law (IPCML) operations law course

Captain Dale Stephens, Ms Grace Corbiau and Colonel Penny Saultry

RUMLAE director Professor Dale Stephens (in his reserve Navy Officer capacity) has been heavily involved this month in teaching and managing the Indo-Pacific Centre for Military Law 2023 Command and Staff Operations Law Course in Canberra. 

[Read more about Prof Stephens participates in Indo-Pacific Centre for Military Law (IPCML) operations law course]

Broadening Horizons: Encouraging Law Students to Work in Regional and Aboriginal Communities


On January 18, the Adelaide Law School hosted a trivarsity workshop attended by guests from our fellow South Australian law schools, industry, and the legal sector, as well as past and present Adelaide law students (most of whom had attended our immersion trips throughout rural SA in 2022).

[Read more about Broadening Horizons: Encouraging Law Students to Work in Regional and Aboriginal Communities ]

SALRI in 2022: The year in review

The SALRI Team

2022 has proved yet another busy and productive year for the South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI). SALRI is an independent non-partisan law reform body based at the University of Adelaide Law School. The Law Reform elective is linked to SALRI. The work undertaken in the Law Reform class plays a valuable role to inform and support SALRI’s work. 

[Read more about SALRI in 2022: The year in review]

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