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Social Media, Free Speech and Religious Freedom

Dr Colette Langos and Professor Paul Babie have teamed up to publish their latest Research Paper on Social Media, Free Speech and religious freedom.
[Read more about Social Media, Free Speech and Religious Freedom]
"No more Snapchat, that's the end of the world"

Who actually 'owns' the moon? Professor Dale Stephens appears on the ABC's Behind the News (BTN) to help unpack the 21st century space race!
[Read more about "No more Snapchat, that's the end of the world"]
Providing a Voice for the Vulnerable? Communication Assistance for Vulnerable Parties in the South Australian Justice System

The South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) will be visiting Port Pirie and Port Augusta on 24-26 March 2021 to consult with the community on its current project which is examining the role and use of communication partners (also called intermediaries) in the South Australian legal system.
Prof Dale Stephens presented legal and policy frameworks at the Defence Force Information Operations course

RUMLAE Director Prof Dale Stephens recently attended the Australian Defence Force Information Operations course in Williamtown NSW where he presented on legal and policy frameworks that applied to Influence Operations.
‘A Historic Day for Women': Passage of the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021

The Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021 recently passed the South Australian Parliament.
[Read more about ‘A Historic Day for Women': Passage of the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021]
Effective and Co-Operative Law Reform in Smaller Jurisdictions: SALRI Trip to Tasmania
The independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) based at the Adelaide University Law School recently visited Tasmania as part of ongoing joint research and law reform projects with the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute (TLRI) based at the University of Tasmania Law School.
Joseph Chu is a finalist in the Top100 Future Leaders Competition

Bachelor of Laws (Graduate entry) student, Joseph Chu is a finalist in this year's Top100 Future Leaders Competition.
[Read more about Joseph Chu is a finalist in the Top100 Future Leaders Competition]
Law student Tayne Redman on improving access to justice through industry innovation

Master of Laws ‘Access to Justice’ student Tayne Redman wants to make a difference in the lives of others through the practice of law. With the opportunity to get paid, hands-on experience as part of The Accessible Justice Project, Tayne has assisted the community in accessing much needed legal services whilst gaining the critical networks and skills necessary for success.
Passion for people leads to lasting change for law student Guglielmo Plain

The opportunity to make a meaningful social impact during his studies was a major drawcard for Master of Laws ‘Access to Justice’ student Guglielmo Plain. Bridging theory and practice as part of The Accessible Justice Project, Guglielmo provides paid legal services to vulnerable community members whilst receiving guidance from senior legal professionals.
[Read more about Passion for people leads to lasting change for law student Guglielmo Plain]
How student Cheryll Rosales created a real-world impact by improving access to justice

Helping people has always been a core value for Master of Laws ‘Access to Justice’ student Cheryll Rosales. The opportunity to get paid whilst studying, and gain real-world experience helping vulnerable community members access legal services was a dream. Through The Accessible Justice Project, this dream has come true
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