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Rachel Chalmers: Lawyers Weekly Law Student of the Year finalist

Adelaide Law student, Rachel Chalmers, is named a finalist in the Lawyers Weekly Australian Law Awards.
[Read more about Rachel Chalmers: Lawyers Weekly Law Student of the Year finalist]
Delivering Accessible Justice Through Innovation
Lipman Karas and the University of Adelaide see the project as being an incubator for ideas to address factors Delivering Accessible Justice Through Innovation.
[Read more about Delivering Accessible Justice Through Innovation]
Proposals marks end of first intake of Accessible Justice collaboration

Four students finishing off their Masters program at the Accessible Justice Project, a partnership between commercial law firm Lipman Karas and Adelaide Law School, present their ideas for future justice access initiatives.
[Read more about Proposals marks end of first intake of Accessible Justice collaboration]
New book published 'Internships, Employability and the Search for Decent Work Experience'
The International Labour Organization and Edward Elgar have published a collection of essays on Internships, Employability and the Search for Decent Work Experience, co-edited by Adelaide Law School’s Professor Andrew Stewart, Emerita Professor Rosemary Owens and Associate Professor Anne Hewitt.
Students help businesses understand their legal rights and responsibilities

Last Thursday (17th of July) a group of Clinical Legal Education (CLE) and Entrepreneur and Venture Advice Clinic (EVAC) students held a seminar helping Adelaide-based creatives and freelancers better understand their legal rights and business responsibilities.
[Read more about Students help businesses understand their legal rights and responsibilities]
Research Opportunity: Disibility Discrimination

Peta Spyrou is a PhD candidate conducting research on disibility discrimination laws at the Adelaide Law School.
[Read more about Research Opportunity: Disibility Discrimination]
2021 Adelaide Law School: High School Mooting Competition

Adelaide Law School was once again excited to be hosting the High School Mooting Competition, with 8 schools registering for the 2021 event.
[Read more about 2021 Adelaide Law School: High School Mooting Competition]
Prof Stephens Interviewed by Ms Tory Shepherd on ABC Radio on 'Moonshot' program regarding legal issues with planned human activity on the Moon
Professor Dale Stephens was recently interviewed by journalist Ms Tory Shepherd on the ABC radio Program 'Moonshot' and dealt with legal questions concerning who owns the moon, who owns things brought to the moon, who owns items left behind on the moon, what liability States and companies have in space and where possible sources of friction might arise soon and how security might be maintained on the Moon, in space and on other celestial bodies.
Law students present a 'Know your employment rights' workshop to young people at Adelaide City Library

The Adelaide Law School is proud of the Adelaide Clinical Legal Education students who presented a 'know your employment rights' workshop to young people at Adelaide City Library today, in collaboration with headspace.
A festival of the minds for the politically inclined

Scheduled to take place in lecture theatres around campus, students are invited to meet and mingle with a guest-list of lecturers stopping by the North Terrace campus this week.
[Read more about A festival of the minds for the politically inclined ]
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